Join the PAc
Both the ADA, our national organization, and the WyDA, encourage you to be involved.
ADPAC/WYO-D-PAC invites you to join the PAC by making a minimum contribution of $150.00. Seventy of these dollars goes to ADPAC and eighty dollars goes to WYO-D-PAC– unless otherwise requested. This can be done when paying membership dues. You can also make contributions at any time directly. See below for information regarding donations to WYO-D-PAC. Click here for donations to ADPAC
These contributions support candidates of both parties that are sympathetic to our dental issues.
With so many new dental issues constantly arising before our state legislature– PAC contributions have truly helped us in getting our legislators’ attention.
For the benefit of your practice and dentistry as a whole– please consider contributing. Personal checks with a minimum contribution of $150.00 can be made payable to:
1309 East Kearney Street
Laramie, WY 82070